Today, fifty-five MPWC members gathered at the Magnolia Point Clubhouse for their annual officer installation luncheon. It turned out to be a great day that included a little business, a lot visiting with friends, with a great program followed by the luncheon.
The day began with a very brief meeting that opened with the pledge of allegiance. We celebrated those in attendance with May birthdays: Suzanne Foster, Anne Bastress and Jackie Maneval. The winner of the Orange Park Community Theater’s Little Shop of Horrors drawing was Joanne LaBeouf.
Part of the meeting included a slide show thanking all of the Board members who volunteered, a list of the year’s programs and activities, along with all of the charitable groups MPWC has assisted during 2022-2023.
At the end of the meeting, the incoming executive officers were introduced: Lorna Broughton, President; Donna Habing, Vice President; Pamela Young, Corresponding Secretary; Marty Essex, Recording Secretary; and Linda Werring, Treasurer.
The after-meeting program theme was “Recognition of Past Presidents”. Of a total of seventeen past presidents, twelve attended. Their terms covered twenty years of MPWC’s Club existence, thirteen of which have been as a charitable non-profit organization. Attending past presidents were Kathie Cardon, Nancy Nettuno, Cindy Triay, Mary Kendall, Cheryle Newman, Shirley Orvosh, Norma Chao, Eloise Burman, Sandy Waldrup, Pam Brame, Lorna Broughton and Joanne LaBeouf. Each of the past presidents were introduced and received a rose. During the luncheon that followed, a slide show of all of the past presidents and names of volunteers and accomplishments was shown. All in all, a day to remember!