
Bunco Babes

Bunco Babes enjoyed another fun evening in the Clubhouse Parlor, with several substitutes joining the group.  Summer travels always affect the regular membership of any group but there are always willing ladies ready to step in! Congratulations to Pat Jolly for the most wins, Marsha Zupan had the Buncos, and Kit Seiferd had the most

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Did you know?

    By Joanne LaBeouf Marian Zanetti is part of a Women’s Club group that has been meeting, doing various kinds of stitchery and just chatting among like minded friends.  Today I got to see some of Marian’s needlepoint and cross stitch pieces.  One piece was especially notable, a cross stitch of a young girl

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Mahjong Pros

    For those of you not familiar with Mahjong, Lori Miller is the Women’s Club member who has been promoting the game within our Club.   Some games take place in the Clubhouse Parlor and some in an individual member’s home.  Lori Miller has been training and organizing Mahjong for quite some time.  Slowly but

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Learning Mahjong

By Joanne LaBeouf Today, Marian Zanetti and I had the pleasure of sitting in on a Mahjong learning session for Alice Lodge and Jean Costa who are working on mastering the game.  Learning Mahjong is a commitment to practicing as much as possible.  Memorizing the Mahjong Charleston (not a dance I assure you) and recognizing

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Among Friends

One of the oldest book club groups in Magnolia Point is “Among Friends”, with Jeanne Gorman organizing the group.   This club has had as many as 20 members at times but now call 11 members “friends”.   One unique feature of this group is that the monthly hostess chooses the book that will be

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Maggie’s Beekeepers

In the fall of 2023, Suzanne Foster, Schools Director, Linda Thill and Pam Young, CEB Liaisons, met with guidance counselors from Charles E. Bennett Elementary (CEB) to discuss ways to reach students and their families in need of assistance since Maggie’s Meals was discontinued in May of 2023.   Both the Women’s Club and staff at

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Bunco Babes At It Again!

The Bunco Babes had fun again last night at their monthly game in the Parlor at the Clubhouse. Jean Costa had the most wins, Sandy Magyar had the most Buncos, and Pat Jolly, sadly, was the night’s loser – but only in Bunco! Our members are always up for a fun time with the various

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Chef Michael Meeks Shines!

At the Women’s Club member meeting yesterday (April 10), attendees were treated to a cooking demonstration by Magnolia Point Golf & County Club’s very own head chef Michael Meeks.  To open his demonstration, he provided background on how he became a chef and the various venues he worked before coming to Magnolia Point. Chef Meeks

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Hand, Knee & Foot Winners

On a very soggy Wednesday, Nancy Wiesinger (on the right) took first place in the card game of Hand, Knee & Foot.   Sharon Sprott (pictured on the left) came in second and Monica Harmon (not pictured) took third place. The Women’s Club hosts HKF on the first Wednesday of each month, with Samba being played

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