Recap of February 8 Meeting on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease

If you didn’t come to the general meeting on Wednesday, February 8, you missed an excellent program that informed us of the relationship between dementia as an umbrella disease and Alzheimer’s as a type of dementia. Our guest speaker was Milva Taylor Maldonado, BS/MPH, who is the Program Manager for the Central and North Florida Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association, Central and North Florida Chapter. Milva’s contact information is The local chapter’s website is

Milva gave a very timely presentation on “Understanding the Differences Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s”, a disease that has touched many of our members and their family. Milva answered member questions and provided update on treatments for the disease. She also provided information about risk factors, including family history, genetics and age. Milva encouraged our members to practice a heart healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean Diet, exercise at least 5 times per week for 30 minutes, socialize/engage with others, stay “brain” healthy by doing Suduko or crossword puzzles, and monitor our prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

A summary from the Alzheimer’s national website ( is available by clicking here: Alzheimer Summary