The Women’s Club is gearing up for their annual Holiday Arts & Craft Fair on Saturday, November 11. This year’s event will be held at the Clay County Fairgrounds on FL-16, south of Green Cove Springs. The vendor response to this location has been amazing; just a few booths are left to fill.
But, so much behind-the-scenes preparation takes place before the big day. Think – planning a wedding big! We have wonderful volunteers who head up certain aspects of the event, and never hesitate to say “let me help”.
One of the biggest features is our raffle/silent auction items. The “Basket” team of Pam Young and Linda Thill received hands-on instructions on Tuesday, September 12, from member Eloise Burman. Eloise is our “Bow Queen Extraordinaire” because it is impossible to count the number of bows she has made throughout the years. Maybe 1,000??!! Maybe 2,000??!!
Pam and Linda, along with Sandy Waldrup and Kim Schlosser, were pretty successful in their first attempts, thanks to Eloise. As she said “we have to show that ribbon who’s the boss!” Now, on to do our homework and create lots more bows.