Magnolia Point Women’s Club
24th Annual Luminaria Night
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Luminaria Night is an annual Women's Club fundraising event traditionally held the second weekend in December as a kickoff to the holiday season for residents of Magnolia Point. The net proceeds from this fundraiser support scholarships for deserving Clay High senior girls awarded by the Club each spring.
In mid-November, volunteer Block Captains visit residents on each and every street in Magnolia Point, asking them to support the Scholarship Fund through the purchase of luminaria kits and/or make a donation.
A "kit" contains ten (10) each of votive candles, cups and bags. It is recommended that one (1) kit be purchased for every thirty (30) feet of street frontage.
If preferred, residents may choose to make a donation rather than purchase kits.
There are three (3) ways for a resident to order luminaria kits, make a donation to the Scholarship Fund, or do both:
1. Complete the information below and then complete your order using our secure payment system, Zeffy; doing so prior to proceeding to the payment link will save your contact information in the event your order is not completed. Please note: Zeffy, our credit card processor, would like for users to support them by covering the processing fee, but that is entirely up to the resident. To bypass their recommended 17% processing fee, click on the box next to "Support the 100% Free Platform", and then using the drop-down menu, select "other" and enter $0.00.
2. Use the QR Code located on the order form insert in your luminaria brochure that was delivered by your Block Captain. The QR Code will take you directly to the Zeffy online form to complete your order. Again, you can bypass their request to add a processing fee as noted in #1 above.
3. To pay by cash or check, complete the order form inside the luminaria brochure and return it to your Block Captain with your payment. Donations can also be made on the order form insert as well.