Day 2 In the Books!

Today, a group of volunteers – some from last week but also some new faces – gathered at Linda Werring’s home to finish assembling luminaria kits needed for the upcoming 24th Luminaria Night.   We were moving right along to completing our goal until we ran out of plastic bags – drat!  But, no worries, there are only a few kits left to assemble and we left Linda’s home in pretty good shape as she readies for company this weekend.

Thanks to all who helped today – Co-Chairs Sarah McWhorter and Cheryl Starnes, Lorna Broughton, Joanne LaBeouf, Patricia Nisley, Judy Sessions, Linda Thill, Sandy Waldrup and Linda Werring.  And special thanks to Linda Werring who, in addition to keeping us organized and on task, also lent her home for the two days of assembly.  Was Sarah feeling punchy?