Behind the scenes


Nancy Catudal, our Holiday Arts & Crafts Chair, invited the fair coordinators to a Happy Hour get-together at the Clubhouse Parlor.  We learned a little more about each other and had a lot of laughs.  Each of these ladies also  shared some of their success and some areas that still need attention, while others learned what each does.  From July to November, the coordinator team is busy seeking vendors, soliciting donors (local and corporate), asking for volunteers to sell tickets, putting together raffle baskets, coordinating silent auction items, and planning to greet vendors and offer hospitality on event day. All of this is aside from advertising and printing,  done through our Chair and Communications Director.  Thank you, Nancy, for putting this together.

Preparation for the fair takes 11 months and is scheduled for November 9 at the Clay County Fairgrounds.  Mark your calendars and plan to come.

The ladies who make this happen (photo (left to right0):  Lynn Powers, Eloise Burman, Jenn St. Mary, Thresa Oliverio, Linda Werring, Nancy Catudal, Joanne LaBeouf, Nancy Mills, Pat Jolly, Sandy Waldrup and Cheryl Kennedy. Missing is Pam Young and Kim Schlosser.