
Did you know?

    By Joanne LaBeouf Marian Zanetti is part of a Women’s Club group that has been meeting, doing various kinds of stitchery and just chatting among like minded friends.  Today I got to see some of Marian’s needlepoint and cross stitch pieces.  One piece was especially notable, a cross stitch of a young girl […]

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Mahjong Pros

    For those of you not familiar with Mahjong, Lori Miller is the Women’s Club member who has been promoting the game within our Club.   Some games take place in the Clubhouse Parlor and some in an individual member’s home.  Lori Miller has been training and organizing Mahjong for quite some time.  Slowly but

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Learning Mahjong

By Joanne LaBeouf Today, Marian Zanetti and I had the pleasure of sitting in on a Mahjong learning session for Alice Lodge and Jean Costa who are working on mastering the game.  Learning Mahjong is a commitment to practicing as much as possible.  Memorizing the Mahjong Charleston (not a dance I assure you) and recognizing

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Bunco Babes Black Tie Affair

Combine Black Tie attire and rolling dice and you get a night of Bunco in honor of Judy O’Neill, a member for years.  Judy was to be hostess for November 16th, so Marlene Jacobs took her place and made it a special evening special to remember Judy.  Cheryle Newman invited Pat O’Neill, who sent his

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Red Hats and Blue Grass

The Red Hat Hotties are at it again.  The ladies met at the Corner Pocket on Sunday, November 19th, for their monthly gathering.  This was not only an afternoon of fun and food with friends, but also an opportunity to expand their music palate.  On Sundays, The Corner Pocket features Blue Grass, and those who

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Our Mice at the Mousetrap!

Two Women’s Club’s member “mice”, Marlene Jacobs and Valorie Shepard, recently attended the Orange Park Theatre’s presentation of Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap”.  The Women’s Club supports the Orange Park Community Theatre by purchasing two season tickets that are used as a door prize at the member meetings when new shows are offered.  Joann Vann initially

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Red Hat Hotties at it again!

For our September event, the “Hotties” participated in bingo.  The ladies enjoyed a night of bingo, hot dogs and pizza, hosted by Shirley Orvosh.  The ladies were welcomed to the Elks Lodge for their Bingo Night.  It turns out that the Hotties can compete with the best of of bingo players. Marsha Zupan, Nancy Catudal

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Red Hat Hotties At It Again!

The Red Hat Hottie group met Tuesday at the home of Linda Werring for an afternoon of wine tasting, food and fellowship.  Linda’s wine tasting event opened our eyes to the limited extent of our wine identification tasting skills.  Everyone tasted two whites and two reds, but only some guessed correctly.  Who knew there was

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