Gisela Ferrell, Jackie McCann, Kathie Cardon,
Mary Lee Thompson, and Barbara Szymanski

In March of 2001, five women - Gisela Ferrell, Jackie McCann, Kathie Cardon, Mary Lee Thompson, and Barbara Szymanski - met to establish a social organization for the women of Magnolia Point. Over the years, this group of five has evolved into a not-for-profit charity organication that not only enjoys a rich social life but also volunteers our services in the local community and sponsors many fundraising events in support of our multiple charities.

MPWC continues to provide interesting monthly speakers, day trips and numerous opportunities for our members to use their talents by serving on one of our volunteer committees. Some of the social activities and programs that the Club has provided in the past include:

  • A tour of the Christmas Spectacular at the Stetson Mansion
  • Arts & Crafts Fairs
  • Luminary Night events
  • Dolphin Tour
  • Tea Room Outing
  • Fleming Island Dinner Theater Outing
  • Holiday Home Tour
  • Musical groups
  • Guest speakers presenting the history of GCS, Exploits (formerly Elder Hostel), growing herbs, holiday decorating, gardening, travel, photography, health, and personal care

Since its beginning, the membership team personally welcomes each new resident to Magnolia Point and shares community information with them. The information provided includes information regarding the MPWC with an invitation to attend club meetings.

Each year, members volunteer many hours on various projects, such as conducting food drives for the Food Pantry, collecting donations for the Safe Animal Shelter, mentoring children, walking for breast cancer and diabetes. Through our annual Luminary Night event, the sale of directory ads and other fund-raising activities that MPWC has held over the years, the Club has contributed to the following causes:

  • Friends of Augusta Savage Arts & Community Center
  • Operation Barnabas
  • Scholarships for Clay High School senior girls
  • Blessings in a Backpack / Maggie's Meals
  • Camp I Am Special
  • Clay High School Scholarships
  • Clay County Literacy Coalition
  • Community Hospice
  • All the Green Cove Springs Schools
  • The Clay County Rescue Mission
  • AMI Kids
  • Green Cove Springs Food Pantry
  • Maggie's Beekeepers, via Clay County Schools Project REACH
  • Outreach Program at Sacred Heart
  • Quigley House
  • Salvation Army Bell Ringing
  • Special Olympics
  • Take Stock in Children
  • Waste Not Want Not
  • Way Free Medical Clinic
  • Thrasher-Horne Friend
  • Hope Therapy
  • Episcopal Children's Services Head Start
  • Green Cove Springs Rotary Club/wrestling tournament